The Parent Gossip Train Of "PURCHASING"
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What are the etiquette rules in this gossipy channels to ART Media?
Aesthetics involves the love and pursuit of beauty as found in art and music and movement, and creates opportunities for the creative expression of emotions and ideas. Some examples of activities in the learning area of Aesthetics and Creative Expression include:
• Art - Children experiment with colours, lines, shapes and textures as they explore how to express themselves creatively through different art media and techniques.
• Music - Children explore dynamics, rhythm, pitch and tempo as they listen to a variety of music, sing songs of different genres and play musical instruments. Children express their ideas and feelings about the music they hear and songs they sing by talking about it, dramatising it or through drawing, painting and movement.
• Creative movement - Children explore movement and space as they dramatise the songs and rhymes they sing or move freely with their body in response to the music they hear.
Art and music and movement foster the development of the whole child, including the cognitive, physical, social-emotional and creative domains. As children listen and respond through creative expression and movement, they are motivated to communicate ideas from their imagination, thoughts and feelings. Hence, children should be provided with many opportunities to be engaged in art and music and movement.
Copyright © 2013, Ministry of Education, Singapore
Have you heard of Stages of Development in ART and how it helps our early learners?
In every level that a child went through, may it be in Drawing, Painting, Printing, Modelling/ Constructing, we need to be aware that children progress through every stages and these stages are sequential.
Our children progress from experimentation and exploration (the scribble stage), to the devising of basic forms before creating symbolic figures.
BUT... We need to make it RIGHT from the very START!
To achieve the Elements of Art, we want our children to Art Experiences to a Pre-School Level that often relates to the first four elements below.
• Line • Colour • Shape • Texture
• Form • Space • Value
We, communicate our Artistic interests in detail about own roles in relation to being THE ART RESOURCE SPECIALIST.
Like you, we are Parents, we are Artists, we are Educators and we want to share our knowledge and expertise in wanting the best of everything for our CHILDREN.
To engage, enable and enrich the quality of children's art learning experience! We are well composed team of passionate art educators and industry professionals. Motivated by our passion for children's art education, we develop and provide innovative art resources that inspire both children and teachers.
Utilising the leading principles in Creative Development and in conjunction with teachers and experts. The Kraftworks team creates new and exciting art activities that actively engages both children and educators.
We are committed to safe and responsible products, enduring that every product meets the appropriate international safety and highest quality standards, simply because we believe that our children deserves no less. Everyone at Kraftworks is devoted to build a collaborative and constructive relationship with our customers, to provide you with the best customer engagement.